
You may recognize Janelle from her beautiful river maternity sessions I’ve posted online- well this is my version of her birth!

She hired my to take photos of her homebirth to a surprise gender baby. I love that i got to do the maternity shoot with her to get to know her a bit before the birth, although most of our time was spent postpartum. I was in touch with her all Saturday morning about early labor and thinking things would pick up that night. I was at my Grandpas 98th birthday party. I had just walked down to the lake to watch my kids along with cousins and their kids when i got a phone call from Janelle’s husband to come right away. Knowing i had about a 45 min drive i ran back to the house where i parked to realize i was extremely parked in- so i grabbed my dad’s car keys and left in his car . I am so glad i did, as i pulled into her house i noticed all the cars, i knew she had a ton of people that were going to be at her birth,so i was thinking i already missed it. I walked in everyone was calming chatting or doing things( heating up soup, playing with her other kids) so not in a rush at all i walked back into the back bathroom where she was laboring in the tub. Thinking i had lots of time maybe still, I got out my camera and was starting to take pictures where it was very clear her husband had made the right call to call everyone. She was breathing and relaxed and let us know she could feel baby right there and was going to be pushing him out in a minute! 7 minutes after i walked in the door, her husband caught and handed her their 3rd son!



